Exploring the Future OSCE Role

Having in mind limits of time, let me make just few short remarks.

The main question of our meeting is to explore the future OSCE role in elaborating comprehensive approach to cyber security. This Conference is a perfect answer to this question. As a universal platform for wider regional cooperation OSCE in already serving as an important forum to exchange ideas, grab knowledge, enrich experience and approximate positions.

I took notes carefully on what was said during this and previous sessions. I am confident our Organization member states got a lot of food for thoughts, and some ideas will be implemented in our practical activities.

In our Organization we apply pragmatic approach to projects and programs of cooperation trying not to stretch our resources thin. I fully share approach of Mr. Richard Prosen, moderator of WS I, who rightly said that we have to start from small and move to bigger. In other words, we have to do whatever we can, develop mutual trust and confidence, expand and enhance common platform for cooperation and prepare ourselves for next steps. But we have to start somewhere.

This starting point in confronting cyber threats for our Organization is Encryption Protection Project for Interstate Information Management System (IIMS).

In general, number of GUAM projects in the field of law enforcement, border and customs control were implemented during last years. Sustainable connection and information exchange, also at operational level, on combating terrorism, money laundering, trade-in-persons and illegal migration is taking place on daily basis. The information exchange is also serving pragmatic tasks like verification of papers and vehicles, examination of validity of official documents etc.
Recently National components of IIMS were modernized, and at the moment installation of encryption equipment is in the pipeline. Till the end of current year Encryption Protection System is apparatus programming level will be operational within the GUAM IIMS. This will qualitatively upgrade operational capabilities of GUAM member states interaction, including information exchange and conducting joint operations, as it insures reliable protection of classified law enforcement data exchange, contributing to success of common operations, like “Interception” (fighting trade-in-persons and illegal trafficking of human beings), and “Narcostop” (fighting illegal trafficking of drugs). These joint operations already have an impressive track record of several years.

Here I would like to express gratitude to the Government of the US for valuable financial support provided to our Encryption project, as well as other projects directed against terrorism and organized crime.

According to decisions of WG on combating terrorism and organized crime, endorsed by CMFA, confronting cyber terrorism and technogenic terrorism, including chemical, bacteriological and radiological threats, is a priority for GUAM law enforcement cooperation. Thus, cyber security already entered our Agenda. Relevant practical aspects and common measures will be considered during next meeting of Sub WG on combating terrorism later this month.

To conclude with, I would like to reconfirm our readiness to cooperate with interested partners, including international Organizations, OSCE surely being among them.

Thank you, Mr. Chairman.