GUAM Basic Activity: Events and Documents

Decision on the adoption of the projects on establishment of GUUAM Virtual Center for fight against terrorism, organized crime, drug trafficking and other dangerous types of crime and GUUAM Interstate Information Management System (VC/IIMS)

Council of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of GUUAM States, Guided by the provisions of the Agreement on cooperation between GUUAM member states in the field of fight against terrorism, organized crime, drug trafficking and other dangerous types of crime, adopted at the GUUAM Summit in [...]

Agreement on Establishment of Free Trade Area between the GUUAM Participating States

The States Parties to the present Agreement, hereinafter referred to as the Contracting Parties, Striving to develop mutually beneficial trade and economic cooperation based on equality and mutual benefits, Forming the conditions for free movement of goods and services, Promoting the growth of economic potential [...]

Agreement among the Governments of GUUAM Participating States on Cooperation in the Field of Prevention of Emergencies and Elimination of their Effects

The Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Executive Authority of Georgia, the Government of the Republic of Moldova, the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, hereinafter referred to as the Parties, Proceeding from the traditional relations of [...]

Memorandum on Understanding GUUAM Participating States on Trade and Transportation Facilitation

GUUAM Participating States, hereinafter referred to as “the Parties”, Wishing to develop mutual cooperation and exchange of information of problems related to trade and transportation, in order to facilitate trade and transportation within GUUAM; Reaffirming common aspiration to simplify border and customs procedure, unify and [...]

Agreement on Cooperation among the Governments of GUUAM Participating States in the Field of Combat Against Terrorism, Organized Crime and Other Dangerous Types of Crimes

The Governments of GUUAM Participating States, hereinafter referred to as "the Parties", Desirous to develop the provisions of the Charter of GUUAM, signed in Yalta on 7 June 2001, Reaffirming their resolute condemnation of terrorist acts and stating their willingness to prevent such, Reaffirming that [...]

Protocol on Cooperation in the Field of Culture of GUUAM Participating States for 2002-2005

The Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Ministry of Culture of Georgia, the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Moldova and the Ministry of Culture and Arts of Ukraine, hereinafter referred to as "the Parties", Taking into account the traditions of [...]

2017-06-06T21:18:59+03:0020.07.2002|Activity, Agreements, Culture and Tourism, Documents|

Agreement on Establishment of the Business Council of GUAM Participating States

Representatives of structures uniting entrepreneurs, manufacturers and businessmen of GUUAM Participating States, represented by the Heads of Chambers of Trade and Commerce, hereinafter referred to as "the Parties", Being guided by the goals and principles of Yalta Charter of GUUAM, Realizing considerable business potential of [...]

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