GUAM Documents (by date)

Statement of the Group of Observers of GUAM in view of the Parliamentary elections in the Republic of Azerbaijan on 7 November 2010

The Group of observers of the Organization for Democracy and Economic Development – GUAM, was invited to the Parliamentary Elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan, conducted on 7 November 2010. […]

GUAM-United States Joint Statement (New York, 24th September 2010)

On September 24, 2010, in New York, the 17th meeting of the GUAM Council of Ministers for Foreign Affairs with the United States of America took place within the framework of the 65th Session of the General Assembly of the United Nations. The sides assessed [...]

UN GA Resolution 64/296 Status of internally displaced persons and refugees from Abkhazia, Georgia, and the Tskhinvali region/South Ossetia, Georgia

Resolution adopted by the General Assembly [without reference to a Main Committee (A/64/L.62)] The General Assembly, Recalling all its relevant resolutions on the protection of and assistance to internally displaced persons, including its resolutions 62/153 of 18 December 2007, 62/249 of 15 May 2008, 63/307 [...]


GUAM – JAPAN JOINT TOURISM PRODUCT IMPLEMENTATION ACTION PLAN (unofficial translation)  # Action Performing country Terms of implementation 1. Improve the managing of crossing the borders “Azerbaijan-Georgia” and “Ukraine-Moldova” on the following scenario:  in advance send the information about tourists (with passport copies) to the border [...]

2017-05-28T13:09:06+03:0025.06.2010|Activity, Culture and Tourism, Documents, News|

Text of Intervention by Mr. Nazarov, Program Coordinator on Political-Legal Issues of the Secretariat of the GUAM at the 18th meeting of the Council of Europe Committee of experts on terrorism (CODEXTER) (Strasbourg, 7-8 April 2010)

Distinguished Mister Chairman, Distinguished members of the CODEXTER, The Organization for Democracy and Economic Development – GUAM (in 2010, Ukraine presides in the Organization) conducts the activity in combating terrorism, organized crime, drug trafficking, and other dangerous types of crime; securing border and customs control; [...]

Declaration of the Baltic Assembly on the situation in Georgia

The Baltic Assembly, concerned about continuing tension in the relations between Georgia and the Russian Federation, which is increasingly escalating after the military aggression by the Russian Federation against Georgia and occupation of a part of its territory, just over one year ago, in August [...]

Joint Statement of the GUAM Parliamentary Assembly and the Baltic Assembly (27.11.2009)

The GUAM Parliamentary Assembly and the Baltic Assembly, welcoming the Declaration on Cooperation between the Baltic Assembly and the GUAM Parliamentary Assembly, signed by the Chairman of the GUAM Parliamentary Assembly and the President of the Baltic Assembly in Vilnius, the Republic of Lithuania on [...]

Concluding Remarks by H.E. Ambassador Jurg Lindenmann, Switzerland on International Workshop “Better Linking National and Global Counter-Terrorism Efforts”

13 OCTOBER 2009 International Workshop for National C-T Focal Points " Better Linking National and Global Counter-Terrorism Efforts " Vienna International Centre 12-13 October 2009 Concluding Remarks by H.E. Ambassador Jurg Lindenmann, Switzerland on behalf of the co-sponsoring Governments Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, At the outset I [...]

GUAM-United States Joint Statement (New York, September 25, 2009)

On September 25, 2009 in New York, 16th meeting of the GUAM Council of the Ministers for Foreign Affairs – the United States of America was held within the framework of the general debates on the 64th session of the General Assembly of the United [...]

Communiqué of GUAM – Czech Republic meeting, New York, 25 September 2009

On 25 September 2009 in New York, the 3rd GUAM Council of Ministers for Foreign Affairs – the Czech Republic meeting was held in the framework of the general debates on the 64th session of the General Assembly of the United Nations. The sides marked [...]

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