GUAM Trade and Transport Facilitation (TTF) Project

4th Meeting of the Working Group on Blockchain

2 June 2021, the 4th Meeting of the Working Group on Blockchain held within the GUAM Trade and Transportation Facilitation Project Steering Committee, which was attended by the relevant departments’ representatives of the Member States and the GUAM Secretariat. […]

3rd Meeting of the Working Group on Blockchain

26 April 2021, the 3rd Meeting of the Working Group on Blockchain held within the GUAM Trade and Transportation Facilitation Project Steering Committee, which was attended by the relevant departments’ representatives of the Member States and the GUAM Secretariat. […]

Participation of the GUAM Secretariat Program Coordinator in the ZOOM conference of the ICC Ukraine Commission

5 February 2021, Program Coordinator of the Secretariat of the Organization for Democracy and Economic Development – GUAM S. Tamirov took part in the ZOOM conference of the ICC Ukraine Commission on customs issues and trade facilitation, […]

1st Meeting of the Working Group on Authorized Economic Operators

20 July 2020, the 1st Meeting of the Working Group on Authorized Economic Operators, reporting to the GUAM Trade and Transportation Facilitation Project Steering Committee, was held via videoconference, which was attended by representatives of the ministries and departments of the Member States and the [...]

1st Meeting of the Working Group on Blockchain

16 June 2020, the 1st online meeting of the Working Group on the Implementation of the «Protocol of Intent between the Customs Administrations of the GUAM Member States on using blockchain technologies in the verification of certificates of origin of goods moving across the state [...]

Experts Meeting of the GUAM Member States on harmonising the draft Protocol on rules of determining the country of origin of goods

9 June 2020, the Experts Meeting of the GUAM Member States on harmonising the draft Protocol on rules of determining the country of origin of goods to the Agreement on Establishment of Free Trade Area between the GUUAM Participating States held with the participation of [...]

Online Participation of the GUAM Secretariat Program Coordinator in the 10th International Seminar on Trade and Transport Facilitation

On April 27-29, 2020, Programme Coordinator of the GUAM Secretariat Mr. S. Tamirov participated in the 10th International online Seminar on Trade and Transport Facilitation «Multimodal transport data exchange, digital transport corridors and trade facilitation» The online seminar was organized by the United Nations Economic [...]

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