Within the framework of international cooperation of the Organization for Democracy and Economic Development – GUAM, GUAM Secretary General Mr. Altai Efendiev and the Programme Coordinator on Political and Legal Issues of the Secretariat, Mr. Nikolai Melenevskyi, participated in a presentation on the pilot project “Development of a criminal analysis and risk analysis system compatible with EU standards” within the structures of Ukraine’s law enforcement agencies.

This event, which involved employees from the National Police of Ukraine, the State Border Service of Ukraine, and also the Interpol National Bureau, took place on January 15, 2016, at the premises of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.

The presentation on this particular international technical assistance project, which is supported by the International Organization on Migration (IOM), in addition to representatives of the law enforcement authorities of Ukraine, was also attended by the Head of IOM Mission to Ukraine, representatives of the European Union Advisory Mission (EUAM), the OSCE, and embassies of the USA and Poland to Ukraine.

In their intervention during the discussions, GUAM representatives welcomed the successful implementation of this project. In particular, they noted the positive dynamics of international cooperation between GUAM and the IOM in the field of criminal analysis and risk analysis, which is implemented through the mutual participation of its representatives in relevant events. They emphasised that the potential benefits of such cooperation include the future use of available technical resources, created within the GUAM framework.