During its 1198th meeting held on the 29th and 30th of April 2014, the Committee of Ministers’ Deputies of the Council of Europe discussed the 9th Consolidated Report on the Conflict in Georgia, which was prepared by the Council of Europe’s Secretary General, Mr Thorbjorn Jagland.

The report covers the period from October 2013 to March 2014. It is important that the Council of Europe continues to monitor Russia and Georgia’s implementation of their obligations and commitments in respect to the war of August 2008, and to notify the international community of ongoing developments in Georgia’s occupied regions.

The Secretary General’s 9th Consolidated Report was positively assessed by the Council of Europe’s member states, who support the practice of submitting the Secretary General’s consolidated reports in future. Only the representatives of the Russian Federation called into question the effectiveness of the Secretary General’s consolidated reports.

In addition to supportive position of a number of international organization, including EU, a joint statement was also made by the GUAM member states, in which they welcomed the practice of presenting the Secretary General of the Council of Europe’s reports in future, and expressed their support for Georgia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders.

The Georgian Foreign Minister, Ms Maia Panjikidze, expressed her gratitude to the Secretary General for presenting his 9th Consolidated Report on the Conflict in Georgia, as well as for the decisions made by the Council of Europe’s member states and for the statements of support made by the EU, GUAM and other partners concerning the conflict in Georgia. The Georgian Foreign Ministry is very grateful for the issue of the “Conflict in Georgia” remaining high on the Council of Europe’s political agenda.