The GUAM Parliamentary Assembly, the Baltic Assembly and the representatives of the Parliament of the Republic of Poland adopted the Joint Statement, during the 7th Session of the GUAM Parliamentary Assembly held on 10-11 November 2014 in Chisinau, the Republic of Moldova.

The Participants emphasized the importance of the dialog between its international partners, the most developed of which is with the Baltic Assembly, as a common asset, contributing to both strengthening international and regional peace and stability and understanding mutual goals and objectives.

The Participants expressed their deep concern over the aggressive actions directed against the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine and reconfirmed their adherence to the purposes and principles, enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, universally recognized norms and principles of international law and the provisions of the fundamental documents of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe.

The Participants recalled in this regard the obligation of states of non-interference in the internal affairs of any other state.

The Participants expressed their deep concern that the conflicts in the territories of the GUAM member states remain unresolved and that they undermine peace, security and cooperation at both regional and European levels. The Participants expressed their confidence that settlement of conflicts in the GUAM area shell be based exclusively on the respect for the sovereignty, territorial integrity and inviolability of internationally recognized borders of UN member states. In this light, the Participants urged for unconditional withdrawal of unlawful foreign military forces from the territories of GUAM member states. The territory of a state can not be a subject of acquisition or military occupation resulting from the threat or use of force in breach of the relevant norm and principles of the international law. No territorial acquisitions and the resulting self-declared entities may be recognized as legal under any circumstances whatsoever.

The Participants warmly welcomed the signature and ratification of the Association Agreements including the DCFTAs, between EU and Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine, and assessed this as the significant step forward achieved in establishing an ambitious framework for relationship between EU and these GUAM countries.

The Participants reconfirmed that under current circumstances only sustainable multilateral dialogue that is based on trust and confidence can contribute to better understanding and regional stability.

The Participants reconfirmed their support for the goals and principles enshrined in the joint Documents of the Baltic Assembly and the GUAM Parliamentary Assembly that have been adopted to date.

The Participants expressed sincere gratitude to the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova for the traditional hospitality extended and excellent organisation of this meeting.

Completed on 11 November, 2014 in Chisinau, the Republic of Moldova.