Organization for Democracy and Economic Development – GUAM News2017-07-14T14:02:17+03:00


4th Meeting of the Working Group on Blockchain

2 June 2021, the 4th Meeting of the Working Group on Blockchain held within the GUAM Trade and Transportation Facilitation Project Steering Committee, which was attended by the relevant departments’ representatives of the Member States [...]

3rd Meeting of the Working Group on Blockchain

26 April 2021, the 3rd Meeting of the Working Group on Blockchain held within the GUAM Trade and Transportation Facilitation Project Steering Committee, which was attended by the relevant departments’ representatives of the Member States [...]

4th Meeting of the Working Subgroup on Science and Innovation

20 April 2021, the 4th Meeting of the Working Subgroup on Science and Innovation was held by videoconference, in which representatives of relevant departments and the GUAM Secretariat took part. […]

Special issue of the Journal of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan «Diplomatiya Aləmi» about GUAM

A new issue of the Journal of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan «Diplomatiya Aləmi» («World of Diplomacy») has been published, where the materials on the history of the Organization’s establishment [...]

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