on approval of the Regulations on the establishment and activity
of the Working Body coordinating the actions of the Contracting Parties of the Agreement on Establishment of Free Trade Area among the GUUAM Participating States
of 20 July 2002

GUAM Member States, Parties to the Agreement on Establishment of Free Trade Area among the GUUAM Participating States – hereinafter referred to as Contracting Parties,
striving to develop mutually beneficial trade and economic cooperation,
taking into account the need for the coordination of the actions of the Contracting Parties and for the establishment of a proper and effective mechanism for the functioning of a free trade area,
in accordance with Article 2 of the Agreement on Establishment of Free Trade Area among the GUUAM Participating States (hereinafter – Agreement),

have agreed as follows:

  1. To approve the Regulations on the establishment and activity of the Working Body coordinating the actions of the Contracting Parties of the Agreement on Establishment of Free Trade Area among the GUUAM Participating States (annexed), which are an integral part of this Protocol.
  2. This Protocol shall enter into force on the date of deposit of the last notification of the Contracting Parties on the completion of the internal procedures necessary for the entry into force of this Protocol.
  3. Based on a mutual consent of the Contracting Parties this Protocol may be amended and supplemented, by means of separate protocols, being its integral part, which shall enter into force in accordance with paragraph 2 of this Protocol.
  4. This Protocol shall be valid for the duration of the Agreement, unless the Contracting Parties agree otherwise.
  5. Done in Kyiv 27 March 2017, in one original copy in the English and Russian languages, both texts being equally authentic. Depositary of this Protocol is the Executive Power of Georgia, which shall send a certified copy thereof to the Contracting Parties.

to the Protocol on approval of the Regulations on the establishment and activity of the Working Body coordinating the actions of the Contracting Parties of the Agreement on Establishment of Free Trade Area among the GUUAM Participating States
of 20 July 2002

The regulations  on the establishment and activity of the Working Body coordinating the actions of the Contracting Parties of the Agreement on Establishment of Free Trade Area among the GUUAM Participating States of 20 July 2002

The Working Body, coordinating the actions of the Contracting Parties of the Agreement on Establishment of Free Trade Area among the GUUAM Participating States (hereinafter – the Working Body), is a specially established body to monitor the implementation of the Agreement by the Contracting Parties, to elaborate proposals for the development of trade and economic cooperation, to discuss issues, to coordinate economic policy with the aim of prompt consideration of topical issues related to mutual trade among the Contracting Parties.

The Working Body is guided in its activity by the founding documents of GUAM, by the Agreement on Establishment of Free Trade Area among the GUUAM Participating States (hereinafter the Agreement), by other treaties and agreements concluded within the framework of GUAM.

  1. Tasks, Functions and Rights of the Working Body
    The main tasks and functions of the Working Body are:

    • organization of interaction among the Contracting Parties with the aim of implementation of the provisions of the Agreement;
    • consideration of topical issues of the implementation of the provisions of the Agreement and the preparation of relevant proposals based on the results of their study;
    • promotion of the cooperation of the Contracting Parties in the exchange of information on the issues of implementation of the provisions of the Agreement;
    • consideration of the state of trade and economic cooperation among the Contracting Parties and preparation of proposals concerning its development.
      With the aim of realization of its tasks and functions, the Working Body, has the right to establish as necessary working groups for the elaboration of recommendations with the aim of solving issues arising in the process of implementation of the Agreement. The conditions and terms of the activity, as well as the mandate of such established working groups shall be defined by the Working Body.
  2. The Activity of the Working Body
    1. Composition of the Working Body.
      The Working Body is composed of authorized representatives of the Contracting Parties, who are the members of the Working Body.
      Presidency in the Working Body shall be held alternately by representatives of the Contracting Parties on the basis of the principle of rotation, in Latin alphabetical order according to the names of the Contracting Parties for a period of one calendar year.
    2. Functions of the members of the Working Body:
      • participation in the preparation of conducting the meetings of the Working Body, including initiation of conducting the meeting;
      • decision making on the issues of the agenda of the meetings of the Working Body;
      • as necessary, ensuring organizational and conciliation work concerning the issues of implementation of the Agreement within the state, from which the representative was delegated.
    3. Functions of the Chair of the Working Body:
      • organization of the meetings of the Working Body;
      • formation and negotiation of the agenda of the meetings of the Working Body;
      • interaction with the Secretariat of GUAM with the aim to ensure the operation of the Working Body.
    4. Form of activity of the Working Body.
      The main form of activity of the Working Body is meetings which are held as necessary.
      The Working Body can make decisions based on the written procedures. In such cases, a preliminary draft decision is sent by the Chair of the Working Body to the representations of all parties involved for their consideration.
      Decisions of the Working Body are taken based on consensus and have a form of recommendation for the Contracting Parties.
  3. Financing of the operation of the Working Body
    The costs for conducting the meetings of the Working Body are borne in accordance with Article 12 of the Provision on the Sectoral Working Group of the Organization for Democracy and Economic Development – GUAM (New York, 25 September 2006).
  4. General Provisions
    Working languages of the Working Body are English and Russian.