At the invitation of the authorities of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the representatives of the Member States of the Organization for Democracy and Economic Development – GUAM took part in the observation of the early elections to the Milli Meclis (Parliament) of the Republic of Azerbaijan held on September 1, 2024.

The Group was comprised of Mr. David Matikashvili, a member of the Parliament of Georgia; Mr. Teymuraz Kiladze, a member of the GUAM Secretariat; and Mr. Sabuhi, Temirov, a member of the GUAM Secretariat. GUAM Secretary General Mr. Altai Efendiev accompanied the Group.

The Group has visited the following polling stations:

N/N: 7, 11, 19, 20, and 31 of the 17th electoral district of Yasamal III region of the city of Baku;

N/N: 8 of the 7th electoral district of the Sabail region of the city of Baku;

N/N 36 of the 16th electoral district of the Narimanov I region of Baku.


Based on the results of the observations at the above polling stations, the Group decided to make the following Statement:

The Parliamentary elections in the Republic of Azerbaijan were organized and conducted in compliance with the national legislation, the rules and procedures elaborated by the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan, and in compliance with the common principles and standards of democratic elections.

Regarding the electoral process, the organization of the voting, and the functioning of the commissions at the polling stations, the Group acknowledges that appropriate conditions were generally ensured for the free expression of citizens’ will. The members of precinct election commissions and public observers at the polling stations represented candidates of various political parties and independent candidates.

Throughout the observation, the Group has not registered significant irregularities. Some minor singular remarks were reported to the polling commissions, however, the Group acknowledges that these minor comments could not affect the voting results.

The voters were ensured access to necessary information about the candidates, the ballots were informative, and the candidates were represented equally in the bulletins. On average, the list of candidates at the polling stations varied from 7 to 10 candidates representing different political parties and independent nominees. Selecting a candidate by voters was held secretly, and casting a bulletin into a ballot box was transparent. Voters’ decisions on choosing a candidate were not affected by any influence or pressure from inside or outside the polling stations.

Across all the polling stations visited, voter turnover was moderate, with relative activity at some polling stations.

The Group concludes that the voting was competitive and can be assessed as free and fair.

The Group also wants to underline the historical significance and particular meaning of these elections, which were held on the whole territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan after the full restoration of the territorial integrity within internationally recognized borders. Therefore, the Group wishes to extend its sincere congratulations to the people and the authorities of the Republic of Azerbaijan on this remarkable occasion and wish the new Parliament of the 7th Convocation every success in the new phase of the development of the nation. The Group also expresses hope for more fruitful parliamentary cooperation in the framework of the ODED-GUAM.

Baku, September 2, 2024