GUAM Decisions: Documents

Decision on cooperation priorities the Baltic Assembly and the GUAM Parliamentary Assembly in 2017-2019

The Presidium of the Baltic Assembly and the Bureau of the GUAM PA, reconfirm the high importance of parliamentary cooperation between the Baltic Assembly and the GUAM Parliamentary Assembly, define the following priorities for cooperation between both organizations for 2017-2019: Cooperation of law enforcement institutions [...]

Decision of the Council of Heads of State on the intensification of the GUAM sectoral cooperation (in Russian)

Совет глав государств, руководствуясь Уставом ГУАМ, приняв к сведению результаты совместных заседаний отраслевых рабочих групп по вопросам экономического, гуманитарного и правоохранительного сотрудничества на уровне руководителей министерств и ведомств, РЕШИЛ: Поручить Правительствам государств-членов, рабочим органам и Секретариату ГУАМ: усовершенствовать деятельность рабочих органов в соответствии с требованиями [...]

2017-06-06T20:58:09+03:0001.07.2008|Council of the Heads of State, Decisions, Documents, GUAM|

Decision to Launch Activities and Finalize Staffing of the Secretariat of the Organization for Democracy and Economic Development – GUAM

The Council of Foreign Ministers of the Organization for Democracy and Economic Development – GUAM, Being guided by the GUAM Charter, Considering that the GUAM Secretary-General has started discharging his responsibilities 1 June 2007, DECIDED TO: Agree with recommendation of the Council of National Coordinators [...]

2017-06-05T18:14:12+03:0019.06.2007|Baku Summit-2007, Decisions, Documents, GUAM Summits|

Decision on the Approval of Symbolics of GUAM and the Design of the Seal of the Secretariat

The Council of Foreign Ministers of the Organization for Democracy and Economic Development – GUAM, Being guided by the GUAM Charter, DECIDED TO: Approve the Emblem of the Organization for Democracy and Economic Development – GUAM (design is enclosed). Approve the Flag of the Organization [...]

2017-06-05T17:58:12+03:0019.06.2007|Baku Summit-2007, Decisions, Documents, GUAM Summits|

Decision on approval of the Regulations on the Secretariat of the Steering Committee for the GUAM Trade and Transport Facilitation Project (in Russian)

Совет министров иностранных дел государств-участников ГУАМ, принимая во внимание положения статьи 3 Меморандума о взаимопонимании между государствами-участниками ГУАМ по содействию торговле и транспортировке от 4 июля 2003 года, с целью обеспечению работы Руководящего комитета Проекта ГУАМ по содействию торговле и транспортировке и создания его рабочего [...]

2017-06-06T06:26:44+03:0023.05.2006|Decisions, Documents, GUAM Summits, Kyiv Summit-2006|

Decision on Partnership (in Russian)

Главы государств-членов ГУАМ, Подтверждая твердую решимость вносить совместный вклад в укрепление международного мира и безопасности на основе полного соблюдения принципов и норм международного права, закрепленных в Уставе ООН, основополагающих документах ОБСЕ и ГУАМ, Заявляя о неуклонном стремлении укреплять демократическую стабильность и двигаться по пути европейской [...]

2017-06-06T06:16:27+03:0023.05.2006|Decisions, Documents, GUAM Summits, Kyiv Summit-2006|

Decision on the adoption of the projects on establishment of GUUAM Virtual Center for fight against terrorism, organized crime, drug trafficking and other dangerous types of crime and GUUAM Interstate Information Management System (VC/IIMS)

Council of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of GUUAM States, Guided by the provisions of the Agreement on cooperation between GUUAM member states in the field of fight against terrorism, organized crime, drug trafficking and other dangerous types of crime, adopted at the GUUAM Summit in [...]

Decision on approval of the GUUAM Regional strategy and Action plan on implementation on trade and transport facilitation projects

Unofficial translation The Council of Ministers for foreign affairs of GUUAM participating states, Taking into account the importance of development of cooperation in the field of trade and transportation in the framework of GUUAM; Confirming the common commitment to simplification of border and customs procedures, [...]

2017-06-06T22:05:15+03:0028.06.2004|Decisions, Documents|

Decision of the Heads of GUUAM Participating States on the Status of Observers of GUUAM Activities

1. Third States and international organizations may participate in GUUAM activities as observers. 2. The conditions for granting observer status shall be: 2.1. Interest in GUUAM activities. 2.2. Possibility to promote achievement of goals and principles contained in Yalta Charter of GUUAM. 3. The procedure [...]

2017-06-06T22:07:29+03:0020.07.2002|Decisions, Documents|
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