GUAM Documents (by date)

Regulations on the Secretariat of the Steering Committee on the GUAM Trade and Transport Facilitation Project (in Russian)

Общие положения Секретариат Руководящего комитета Проекта ГУАМ по содействию торговле и транспортировке (далее – Секретариат РК ПСТТ) создается в соответствии с положениями Меморандума о взаимопонимании между государствами-участниками ГУУАМ по содействию торговле и транспортировке (далее – Меморандум), подписанного 4 июля 2003 года. Секретариат РК ПСТТ является [...]

2017-06-06T06:17:43+03:0023.05.2006|Documents, GUAM Summits, Kyiv Summit-2006, Provisions|

Protocol on temporary Rules of determination of the country of origin of goods of GUAM Participating States, for further implementation of the Agreement on Establishment of Free Trade Area among GUUAM Participating States

The State Parties to the Agreement on Establishment of Free Trade Area among GUUAM Participating States (further referred to as the Agreement), signed on July 20, 2002, hereinafter referred to as the Contracting Parties, for the purpose of acceleration of the process of forming of [...]

2017-06-06T06:24:43+03:0023.05.2006|Agreements, Documents, GUAM Summits, Kyiv Summit-2006|

Decision on Partnership (in Russian)

Главы государств-членов ГУАМ, Подтверждая твердую решимость вносить совместный вклад в укрепление международного мира и безопасности на основе полного соблюдения принципов и норм международного права, закрепленных в Уставе ООН, основополагающих документах ОБСЕ и ГУАМ, Заявляя о неуклонном стремлении укреплять демократическую стабильность и двигаться по пути европейской [...]

2017-06-06T06:16:27+03:0023.05.2006|Decisions, Documents, GUAM Summits, Kyiv Summit-2006|

Provision on the Secretariat of the Organization for democracy and economic development – GUAM

Approved by the GUAM Council of Foreign Ministers September 25, 2006, New York (with amendments  approved by the GUAM Ministerial Council Decision of December 4, 2008, and the GUAM Ministerial Council Decision of December 5, 2019). Article 1 Scope of application The present Provision shall [...]

2023-01-23T17:17:21+03:0023.05.2006|Documents, GUAM Summits, Kyiv Summit-2006, Provisions|

Rules of Procedure of the Organization for democracy and economic development – GUAM

The present Rules of procedure regulate activities of bodies of the Organization for Democracy and Economic Development – GUAM (hereinafter referred to as GUAM). Article 1 Regular meetings of the Council The frequency of meetings of the Council and its authority at all levels are [...]

2017-06-06T06:14:15+03:0023.05.2006|Documents, GUAM Summits, Kyiv Summit-2006, Provisions|

GUAM-United States Joint Statement (Kyiv, May 23, 2006)

On May 22-23, 2006 in Kyiv, Ukraine, the GUAM Member-States and the United States met at the Eleventh Meeting of the Council of Ministers for Foreign Affairs of GUAM and the GUAM Summit to continue their dialogue and cooperation. The U.S. delegation was led by [...]

Financial Provisions of the Organization for democracy and economic development – GUAM

Approved by the GUAM Council of Foreign Ministers on 23 May, 2006, Kyiv (with amendments approved by the GUAM Ministerial Council Decision of 4 December, 2008, and the GUAM Ministerial Council Decision of 7 December, 2011). Article 1 Application The present Financial Provisions shall establish [...]

2023-01-23T16:13:35+03:0023.05.2006|Documents, GUAM Summits, Kyiv Summit-2006, Provisions|

Charter of Organization for democracy and economic development – GUAM

(with amendments approved by the GUAM CMFA Decision of 26 September, 2019)   The GUAM Group Participating States – the Republic of Azerbaijan, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine, hereinafter referred to as the "Parties", Guided by generally recognized norms and principles of international [...]

2023-01-23T15:33:28+03:0022.04.2006|Charter, Documents, GUAM Summits, Kyiv Summit-2006|

GUAM-United States Joint Statement (New York, September 16, 2005)

On September 16, 2005, the sixth consecutive Ministerial meeting of GUAM-USA was held in New York on the margins of the United Nations General Assembly. The GUAM Foreign Ministers and U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Dan Fried discussed a wide range of issues, including GUAM-USA [...]

Communiqué of the 2nd Session of the GUAM Parliamentary Assembly (in Russian)

28 мая 2005 года в Украине, г. Ялта состоялось Второе заседание Парламентской ассамблеи ГУАМ. На заседании председательствовал Глава Парламента Молдовы Мариан Лупу. В форуме приняли участие Председатель Милли Меджлиса Азербайджанской Республики Муртуз Алескеров, Председатель Парламента Грузии Нино Бурджанадзе, Председатель Парламента Республики Молдова Мариан Лупу и [...]

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