23rd Meeting of the Working Group on Civil Emergency
28 April 2021, the 23rd Meeting of the Working Group on Civil Emergency took place by a videoconference under the chair of Ukraine. […]
28 April 2021, the 23rd Meeting of the Working Group on Civil Emergency took place by a videoconference under the chair of Ukraine. […]
26 April 2021, the 3rd Meeting of the Working Group on Blockchain held within the GUAM Trade and Transportation Facilitation Project Steering Committee, which was attended by the relevant departments’ representatives of the Member States and the GUAM Secretariat. […]
20 April 2021, the 4th Meeting of the Working Subgroup on Science and Innovation was held by videoconference, in which representatives of relevant departments and the GUAM Secretariat took part. […]
14 April 2021 The delegations of GUAM member states welcome the 23rd consolidated report of the Secretary General of the Council of Europe on the conflict in Georgia and stress the importance of keeping the issue high on the political agenda of the Council of [...]
6 April 2021, the 33rd Meeting of the GUAM Trade and Transport Facilitation Project Steering Committee was held by a videoconference. […]
On March 15-19, 2021, the GUAM-Japan Workshop on Customs organized by the Government of Japan for experts of the GUAM Member States within the GUAM-Japan cooperation was held by the videoconference. […]
10 March 2021, the 1st Meeting of the subordinate Working Group on Transport of the Working Subgroup on the Implementation of the GUAM-NET Platform was held via the videoconference. […]
22 February 2021, the 16th Meeting of the Working Group on Economy and Trade was held by videoconference under the chairmanship of the Moldovan side. […]
Original: Russian 10 February 2021, the 13th session of the GUAM Parliamentary Assembly was held in videoconference format, chaired by the Head of Milli Majlis delegation of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the GUAM Parliamentary Assembly. […]
10 February 2021, the 13th session of the GUAM Parliamentary Assembly was held in videoconference format, chaired by the Head of Milli Majlis delegation of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the GUAM Parliamentary Assembly (PA). […]