6 December 2016, the round table was held on the topic «Global Sustainable Transport Conference in the Context of Development of International Cooperation» at the National Transport University in Kyiv.

The Secretary General of the Organization for Democracy and Economic Development – GUAM Mr. A. Efendiev and the Program Coordinator for Economic Affairs of the Secretariat of GUAM Mr. S. Tamirov took part in the Round Table.

In his speech, A. Efendiev congratulated the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Turkmenistan to Ukraine Mr. N. Amanmuradov on the successful holding of the First Global Sustainable Transport Conference, held on November 26-27, 2016 in Ashgabat, and noted that the results of this Conference will play an important role in sustainable transport development on a global scale. In this regard, he noted the importance of coordination and interaction between countries in the development of regional transport corridors.

As an example, he mentioned the interaction between the ODED-GUAM member states where special attention is paid to the development of cooperation in transport, including for the full use of the region’s transit potential.

The Secretary General informed the participants of the Round Table about the Development Concept for the GUAM Transport Corridor, approved by the Heads of Transport Departments of the GUAM Member States, and the progress of its implementation.

He also noted the special geographic advantages of the GUAM Transport Corridor that has many regional transport routes from East to West and from South to North. In this regard, the Secretary General emphasized the importance of the GUAM transport corridor as a key link in the alternative route of the East-West corridor, or the New Silk Road.

The Secretary General noted that Turkmenistan has a large transit potential to ensure cargo flows in all directions and, in this regard, he welcomed the increased activity of Turkmenistan in the development of cooperation in the field of transport.

The Secretary General spoke about the meeting scheduled for the beginning of 2017 at the initiative of the Prime Minister of Ukraine V. Groysman, the Prime Ministers of GUAM and Kazakhstan, as well as about the planned Business Forum, at which transport and trade will be given primary importance, and invited everyone to cooperate.