On July 18-19, 2011, GUAM Secretary General, Ambassador Valeri Chechelashvili made a working visit to the Republic of Moldova.

In the course of this visit, the GUAM Secretary General met with numerous top officials, as follows: Mr. Iurie Leancă, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration of the Republic of Moldova; Mr. Valeriu Valeriu Lazăr, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy of the Republic of Moldova; Mrs. Ludmila Dumitraş, General Director of the Tourism Agency of the Republic of Moldova; Mr. Andrei Popov, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration of the Republic of Moldova, GUAM National Coordinator, Mr. Mihail Harabagiu, Head of Civil Protection and Emergency Service, Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Moldova; Ms. Irina Ardovan, Acting Director of SECI/GUAM National Virtual Centre; and Mr. Viorel Chetraru, Director of the Centre for Combating Organised Crime and Corruption.

As an outcome of the visit, the amendments of the Chairmanship Programme were elaborated for their further presentation to the GUAM Member States, and a discussion took place regarding the implementation of GUAM projects and programmes of cooperation with respect to combating organised crime, money laundering, trade, transport, tourism, and cultural cooperation. As well, the GUAM calendar of events until the end of 2011 and priorities in the GUAM+ format cooperation were considered.

The GUAM Secretary General and GUAM National Coordinator participated in a round table organised in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration.