Outlines of the Chairmanship Program of Georgia in Organization for Democracy and Economic Development – GUAM for 2017
Together for Stronger GUAM
2017 marks the 20th anniversary of establishment of GUAM as the regional format of cooperation between Georgia, Republic of Azerbaijan, Republic of Moldova and Ukraine. During this period of time, Organization for Democracy and Economic Development – GUAM has successfully strengthened its status as a full-fledged international regional organization in the global arena. Today, GUAM Member States continue working actively on implementing the goals and objectives set in the statutory documents of the Organization. The agenda of GUAM covers the issues of political interaction, sectoral cooperation, development of partnership in GUAM+ formats and inter-parliamentary dimension.
From January the 1st Georgia took over the Chairmanship of GUAM in 2017, which will be held under the Chairmanship Program – «Together for Stronger GUAM».

Vice Prime Minister of Georgia, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Georgia Mikheil Janelidze
The Program aims at fostering cooperation in all spheres of mutual interest of GUAM Member States with a focus on promoting political consolidation, deepening sectoral cooperation, intensification of interaction in GUAM+ formats and enhancement of interparliamentary cooperation.
The territorial integrity remains one of the most painful problems and a common challenge for all GUAM Member States. The unresolved conflicts in GUAM area continue to impact destructively on political, economic and social development of GUAM countries. In this regard, political consolidation and coherent political interaction is a priority within Organization. Thus, Georgian Chairmanship is strongly committed to promote strategic development of GUAM, while strengthening its image in the region and on wider international arena.
In the past 20 years a significant experience has been gained by implementing joint and mutually beneficial projects within GUAM in many different spheres, such as trade, economy, transport, tourism, energy, culture, law enforcement and cyber security. Based on this experience Georgia’s Chairmanship Program provides initiatives to broaden existing sectoral cooperation, aiming at further achieving joint trade and economic interests of GUAM Member States.
In this context Georgian Chairmanship attaches special importance to dynamic development and effective use of opportunities of GUAM Free Trade Zone and GUAM Transport Corridor. All necessary efforts will be directed towards enhancement of trade and economic relations within and outside GUAM, successful implementation of ongoing mutual projects and elaboration of new initiatives. Given a growing international importance attached to the transport corridor the East-West / «New Silk Road», a special emphasize will be made on promotion of GUAM Transport Corridor as a stable, secure and competitive international transit route along the East-West.
The Chairmanship also believes that holding the meeting of GUAM Heads of Governments and GUAM Business Forum in 2017, will give an additional impetus to further deepening of sectoral cooperation, especially in spheres of economy, trade and transport.
During the Georgian Chairmanship in GUAM, particular attention will be paid to strengthening and expanding international cooperation, especially with GUAM partners (US, Japan), as well as to implementing joint programs and projects in GUAM+ formats. The Chairmanship will also facilitate enhancement of cooperation with other states and international organizations (Visegrad Group, the Baltic and Scandinavian countries) and forging new GUAM+ formats.
In the past years, the active cooperation has been developed within GUAM Parliamentary Assembly. Georgian Chairmanship intends to continue this positive dynamic and will spare no effort to further promote enhanced interparliamentary cooperation both between GUAM Member States as well as with other partner international organizations.
On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of GUAM, the Chairmanship of Georgia, with the support of GUAM Secretariat and GUAM Member States plans to organize various events to celebrate this significant date.
The Chairmanship of Georgia considers that currently GUAM is at the threshold of its further development. Thus, together with other GUAM Member States, Georgia will do its utmost to promote fostering political and sectoral cooperation within the Organization, ultimately contributing to strengthening regional security, building a sustainable and economically vibrant future for GUAM region.
Full Program of the Georgian Chairmanship in GUAM for 2017 (pdf, in Russian).