On 22-23 July 2009, the Workshop on Nuclear Terrorism for the GUAM Member States, organized by the Terrorism Prevention Branch of the United National Office on Drugs and Crime (TPB/UNODC) in cooperation with the GUAM Secretariat and the Antiterrorist Centre (ATC) under the Security Service of Ukraine, took place in the GUAM Secretariat in Kyiv with the participation of experts from France, the United States, TPB/UNODC, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), INTERPOL and OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR/OSCE).

GUAM Secretary General Ambassador Valeri Chechelashvili welcomed the participants of the Workshop chaired by Mr. Walter Gehr, Chief of TPB/UNODC Counter-Terrorism Legal Services Section I. GUAM Secretariat Program Coordinator on Political-Legal Issues Mr. Georgii Nazarov presented the GUAM activities and initiatives in the area of law-enforcement and security.

The experts informed the participants of the Workshop on recent developments in global counter-terrorism legal framework, the UN instruments in the area of international legal cooperation in countering terrorism, the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material and other legal aspects of nuclear security, practical issues in the area of international cooperation related to mutual legal assistance and extradition, the human rights aspects of international cooperation in combating terrorism, lessons learned and obstacles encountered in this area, and Illicit Trafficking Database (ITDB).
The representatives of the GUAM member-states presented the national legislation and efforts of their states in countering nuclear terrorism.

The participants of the Workshop considered nuclear terrorism case study, made general evaluation of the Workshop and their recommendations.