GUAM Documents (by date)

The Chisinau Declaration of the GUUAM Heads of States “In the name of democracy, stability and development”

The Heads of States of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova, and Ukraine, Guided by the goals and the principles of the United Nations Charter, the founding documents of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe and of GUUAM, its Yalta [...]

GUUAM-United States Joint Statement (Chisinau, April 22, 2005)

On April 21 and 22, 2005 in Chisinau, Moldova, the GUUAM Participating States and the United States met to advance their dialogue and cooperation at the Ninth Meeting of the Council of Ministers for Foreign Affairs of GUUAM Countries, on April 21, and the GUUAM [...]

Protocol of the 9th Meeting of the GUUAM Council of Ministers of Foreign Affairs in Chisinau

On April 21, 2005 the Ninth meeting of the GUUAM Council of Ministers of Foreign Affairs (CMFA) was held in Chisinau (the Republic of Moldova) within the framework of the GULTAM Summit of Heads of State. Representatives of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Georgia, Republic of [...]

Communiqué of the 8th Meeting of the Council of Ministers for Foreign Affairs of the GUUAM States in Sofia

On 6 December 2004, the Eighth Meeting of the Council of Ministers for Foreign Affairs (CMFA) of the GUUAM States was held in Sofia (Bulgaria) within the framework of the 12th Ministerial Council of the OSCE. Representatives of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Georgia, the Republic [...]

Declaration on the Establishment of the GUAM Parliamentary Assembly (in Russian)

Мы, Председатели Парламентов Азербайджанской Республики, Грузии, Республики Молдова и Украины, принимая во внимание высокую значимость сотрудничества в рамках ГУУАМ; желая содействовать его дальнейшему развитию в интересах народов Азербайджанской Республики, Грузии, Республики Молдова и Украины; признавая, что сотрудничество в рамках ГУУАМ может внести вклад в укрепление [...]

GUUAM-United States Joint Statement (New York, September 23, 2004)

On September 23, 2004, in New York City, the GUUAM Countries and the United States met to further their dialogue and level of cooperation at the Seventh Meeting of the Council of Ministers for Foreign Affairs of GUUAM Countries. The U.S. delegation was led by [...]

Communiqué of the 7th Meeting of the Council of Ministers for Foreign Affairs of the GUUAM States

On 23 September 2004, the Seventh meeting of the Council of Ministers for Foreign Affairs (CMFA) of the GUUAM States was held in New-York (USA) within the framework of the 59th Session of the General Assembly of the United Nations. Representatives of the Republic of [...]

Rules of Procedure of the Parliamentary Assembly of the GUUAM (as amended on December 15, 2016) (in Russian)

Правило 1 Состав Парламентской ассамблеи Парламентская ассамблея ГУУАМ (Ассамблея) состоит из членов парламентских делегаций государств-участников Ялтинской Хартии ГУУАМ от 7 июня 2001 года и Декларации о создании Парламентской ассамблеи от 23 сентября 2004 года. Состав Ассамблеи может изменяться по решению Ассамблеи при наличии соответствующей заявки [...]

2017-12-20T18:40:34+03:0023.09.2004|Documents, GUAM, Parliamentary Assembly, Provisions|

Decision on the adoption of the projects on establishment of GUUAM Virtual Center for fight against terrorism, organized crime, drug trafficking and other dangerous types of crime and GUUAM Interstate Information Management System (VC/IIMS)

Council of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of GUUAM States, Guided by the provisions of the Agreement on cooperation between GUUAM member states in the field of fight against terrorism, organized crime, drug trafficking and other dangerous types of crime, adopted at the GUUAM Summit in [...]

Communiqué of the 6th Meeting of the Council of Ministers for Foreign Affairs of the GUUAM Member States (in Russian)

28 июня 2004 года в Стамбуле (Турция), в ходе Саммита НАТО, состоялось Шестое заседание Совета Министров Иностранных дел (СМИД) государств ГУУАМ. В заседании приняли участие представители Азербайджанской Республики, Грузии, Республики Молдова и Украины. В работе СМИД приняла участие делегация США. СМИД обсудил выполнение решений заседания [...]

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