On April 7, 2016, the 2nd meeting of the Council of Permanent Representatives (CPR) of the GUAM member states was held in the GUAM Secretariat in Kyiv. For the first time, a high official of the Government of Ukraine – Deputy Minister of Youth and Sports of Ukraine on European Integration Mr N. Movchan took part in the Meeting.

The CPR meeting considered a wide range of issues related to the activities of the Organization, the implementation of projects and initiatives within the GUAM, the expansion of international cooperation and the prospects for new areas of cooperation.

In particular, the issues of holding a meeting of the Ministers of Transport and adoption of an action plan for the practical implementation of the GUAM Transport and Transit Corridor were discussed, as well as the organization of the Business Forum and the intensify the GUAM Business Council activity in the autumn of this year.

Special attention at the CPR meeting was given to the initiative of the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine to include the area of work with youth in the range of activities of the Organization. The presentation of N. Movchan on the experience of Ukraine in this area, the practice of cooperation between the GUAM countries, international cooperation, modern trends in working with young people to promote healthy lifestyles and to form an active life position was heard. Following the discussion, the CPR recognized it appropriate to support this initiative and recommended that the GUAM Secretariat, in conjunction with the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine, take measures to implement it.

The CPR has expressed gratitude to the Deputy Minister of Youth and Sports N. Movchan for the initiative and participation in the work of the CPR. In this example, the CPR recognized the experience of participating in the CPR meetings of high officials of the Government of Ukraine, useful and productive, and recommended that the GUAM Secretariat continue this practice with a view to enhancing cooperation within the GUAM.

A separate issue was discussed the measures timed to the 10th anniversary of the Organization for Democracy and Economic Development – GUAM, which will be celebrated on May 23, 2016.