GUAM Documents (by date)

Decision of the Heads of GUUAM Participating States on the Status of Observers of GUUAM Activities

1. Third States and international organizations may participate in GUUAM activities as observers. 2. The conditions for granting observer status shall be: 2.1. Interest in GUUAM activities. 2.2. Possibility to promote achievement of goals and principles contained in Yalta Charter of GUUAM. 3. The procedure [...]

2017-06-06T22:07:29+03:0020.07.2002|Decisions, Documents|

Protocol on Cooperation in the Field of Culture of GUUAM Participating States for 2002-2005

The Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Ministry of Culture of Georgia, the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Moldova and the Ministry of Culture and Arts of Ukraine, hereinafter referred to as "the Parties", Taking into account the traditions of [...]

2017-06-06T21:18:59+03:0020.07.2002|Activity, Agreements, Culture and Tourism, Documents|

Agreement on Establishment of the Business Council of GUAM Participating States

Representatives of structures uniting entrepreneurs, manufacturers and businessmen of GUUAM Participating States, represented by the Heads of Chambers of Trade and Commerce, hereinafter referred to as "the Parties", Being guided by the goals and principles of Yalta Charter of GUUAM, Realizing considerable business potential of [...]

Regulations Concerning the GUAM Committee of National Coordinators

General Provisions The GUAM Committee of National Coordinators (CNC) shall be a working body of the GUAM in charge of the coordination of activities being carried out within GUUAM framework and the preparation of meetings of heads of State and the GUUAM Council of Foreign [...]

Statute of the Council of Ministers for Foreign Affairs of GUUAM States

General provisions The Council of Ministers for Foreign Affairs of GUUAM (hereinafter referred to as "the CMFA") shall be the main executive authority of GUUAM that shall ensure and coordinate cooperation of GUUAM Participating States in the periods between Summits of Heads of GUUAM States. [...]

Communiqué of the Meeting of the Ministers for Foreign Affairs of the GUUAM Member States (in Russian)

2 июля 2002 г. в г. Баку (Азербайджан) состоялась очередная встреча министров иностранных дел Азербайджанской Республики, Грузии, Республики Молдова и Украины. В ходе встречи были обсуждены актуальные вопросы сотрудничества и развития объединения ГУУАМ. Министры обсудили процесс подготовки и согласовали проект повестки дня, а также список [...]

Final Communique of the GUUAM Summit 2002, Yalta (in Russian)

19-20 июля 2002 года в г.Ялте (Украина) состоялась очередная встреча Президентов Азербайджанской Республики, Грузии, Республики Молдова и Украины, в ходе которой были обсуждены вопросы укрепления организационно-правовой основы ГУУАМ и дальнейшего развития сотрудничества в рамках Объединения. […]

GUUAM-USA Joint Statement (New York, Novevmber 14, 2001) (in Russian)

14 ноября 2001 года во время общих дебатов 56-й сессии Генеральной Ассамблеи  ООН состоялся новый раунд высокого диалога ГУУАМ-США. Министры иностранных дел Азербайджана, Грузии, Молдовы, Украины, Узбекистана и заместитель Государственного секретаря США Марк Гросман обговорили нынешнее состояние сотрудничества между ГУУАМ и США. Министры и заместитель [...]

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